IPA Blue Cheese Dressing

Who doesn’t love a blue cheese dressing?

IPA or a Double | Imperial India Pale Ale pairs wonderfully with creamy and pungent blue cheese.  Why not monopolize on this beer | food pairing and create a dressing that can be used as a salad dressing for the Re-Invented Wedge Salad or as a dip for Beer Brined Chicken Wings.  This IPA Blue Cheese Dressing is easy to make, delicious and brings so much flavor to any dish it’s used one.


Adapted from BeerAdvocate Magazine: Cuisine à la Bière | Jun 2010 | Issue #41

IPA Blue Cheese Dressing
Votes: 8
Rating: 3.63
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A homemade recipe for a blue cheese Dressing | Dip | Spread mixed with IPA, giving this IPA Blue Cheese Dressing a distinctive hop kick!
Servings Prep Time
1 1/2 cup 5 minute
Passive Time
30 minute
Servings Prep Time
1 1/2 cup 5 minute
Passive Time
30 minute
IPA Blue Cheese Dressing
Votes: 8
Rating: 3.63
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Print Recipe
A homemade recipe for a blue cheese Dressing | Dip | Spread mixed with IPA, giving this IPA Blue Cheese Dressing a distinctive hop kick!
Servings Prep Time
1 1/2 cup 5 minute
Passive Time
30 minute
Servings Prep Time
1 1/2 cup 5 minute
Passive Time
30 minute
Servings: cup
  • In a medium-size bowl, add the White Miso Malt Vinegar Mayonnaise, sour cream | Mexican crème | crème fraîche and crumbled blue cheese. For a chunky-style blue cheese dressing, keep the chunks of cheese larger and very cold. For a creamier dressing, start with the cheese at room temperature and crumble it into smaller pebbles. Add the pepper, chives, blossoms, parsley and salt; using a whisk, mix together.
  • Add the IPA and whisk until incorporated. For a thicker dressing, use less beer; add more beer for a thinner dressing. Place into a mason jar and refrigerate. The dressing can keep for up to two weeks in the refrigerator.
  • Try using this dressing over a 'Wedge' of iceberg lettuce, topped with Tasso-Cured Prawns, creating the Re-Invented Wedge Salad.
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