From the Garden Pasty FillingThis savory filling uses produce found in an English styled vegetable and herb garden, providing flavor, texture, and nourishment. This filling recipe is crafted for a English Cornish Pasty or hand pie.  From the Garden Pasty Filling is the vegetarian hand pie, as the classic version of a Cornish Pasty is usually a meat pie.

Originating in Britain, the Cornish Pasty is a hand pie, usually savory, with a sturdy dough enclosing a filling of steak, potatoes, carrots, onions, and seasonings. These pasties were designed to be a full meal that would hold up in a workman’s pocket until lunch without any protection other than the rich and sturdy crust. Cornish Pasties also differ from other hand pies like calzones or empanadas in the fact that the raw filling cooks while the pastry itself cooks, sealing all of the flavors and nutrients inside an edible wrapper.  This also differentiates this Cornish Pasty Dough from other dough recipes.

Highlighting the seasonality of the garden is enhanced with the Nutritional Yeast, giving extra vitamin B-12 to the recipe, along with herbs, and some English cheddar or umami rich Parmesan, for a structural component and additional flavor.  A vegan version could be made with coconut oil instead of butter for the crust. You can either leaving the cheese out or replacing it with a vegan styled cheese. vegetables can be swapped if they aren’t in season or not available. Use this recipe as a guide, be inspired by the technique and flavor possibilities.

If you are a huge lover Cornish Pasty recipes, I have also created a Lamb Cornish Pasty Filling and a Southwestern Pork Pasty Filling that use the same Cornish Pasty Dough.  The filling option are almost endless for this delicious English Pub Classic.


Makes: 4 large or 8 small pasties



Adapted from BeerAdvocate Magazine: Cuisine à la Bière | Apr 2017 | Issue #123

From the Garden Pasty Filling
Votes: 0
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Print Recipe
From the Garden Pasty Filling is a vegetarian version of a English Cornish Pasty or Hand Pie. Filled with seasonal vegetables inspired by the English vegetable and herb garden.
Servings Prep Time
4 servings 20 minute
Cook Time
60 minute
Servings Prep Time
4 servings 20 minute
Cook Time
60 minute
From the Garden Pasty Filling
Votes: 0
Rating: 0
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Print Recipe
From the Garden Pasty Filling is a vegetarian version of a English Cornish Pasty or Hand Pie. Filled with seasonal vegetables inspired by the English vegetable and herb garden.
Servings Prep Time
4 servings 20 minute
Cook Time
60 minute
Servings Prep Time
4 servings 20 minute
Cook Time
60 minute
Cornish Pasty Dough Ingredients:
From The Garden Pasty Filling Ingredients:
Other Ingredients:
Servings: servings
Cornish Pasty Dough Directions:
  • Follow the Corning Pasty Dough directions. As the dough rests for 30 minutes, prepare the 'From The Garden Pasty Filling' ingredients.
From The Garden Pasty Filling Directions:
  • Have a large bowl ready. Add all of the prepared vegetables and seasoning ingredients to this bowl. Toss them together well, making sure everything is thoroughly blended and the ingredients are well distributed.
  • Follow the Rolling and Filling directions Corning Pasty Dough directions. To increase the richness of the final pie, add 1/2 – 1 tablespoon of butter to the top of each pasty’s filling before folding over the Cornish Pasty Dough.
  • Leaving an edge for the opposite edge to stick to, brush with Egg Wash. Fold the opposite side of the dough over the filling and, making your hand into a cup, lightly press down to remove any air and create a half moon shape. Now pick a pattern to cut air holes into the top of the Cornish Pasty Dough, that are also an identification of the filling type. Pricks of a fork, an X or /// can be used. Place the 'From The Garden' filled pasty onto a silpat or parchment lined sheet tray.
  • Refrigerate the pasties for 20 – 30 minutes to chill them, helping to prevent the dough from shrinking during the cooking process.
To Bake:
  • Preheat the oven to 400°F | 204°C. Brush the surface and edges with an even layer of Egg Wash. Bake pasties for 45 – 60 minutes, looking for a nice golden brown crust, and a fully cooked, warm filling. (The internal temperature should be around 200°F | 93°C). Allow to cool slightly before serving.
Recipe Notes

Other Cornish Pasty | Hand Pie Recipes:

From the Garden Pasty Filling
Lamb Cornish Pasty Filling
Southwestern Pork Pasty Filling
Southwestern Pork Pasty Filling

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